
Extending Vaurien

You can extend Vaurien by writing new protocols or new behaviors.

Writing Protocols

Writing a new protocol is done by creating a class that inherits from the vaurien.protocols.base.BaseProtocol class.

The class needs to provide three elements:

  • a name class attribute, the protocol will ne known under that name.
  • an optional options class attribute - a mapping containing options for the protocol. Each option value is composed of a description, a type and a default value. The mapping is wired in the command-line when you run vaurien - and is also used to generate the protocol documentation.
  • a _handle method, that will be called everytime some data is ready to be read on the proxy socket or on the backend socket.

The vaurien.protocols.base.BaseProtocol class also provides a few helpers to work with the sockets:

  • _get_data: a method to read data in a socket. Catches EWOULDBLOCK and EAGAIN errors and loops until they happen.
  • option: a method to get the value of an option


class TCP(BaseProtocol):
    name = 'tcp'
    options = {'reuse_socket': ("If True, the socket is reused.",
                                bool, False),
               'buffer': ("Buffer size", int, 8124),
               'keep_alive': ("Keep the connection alive", bool, False)}

    def _handle(self, source, dest, to_backend):
        # default TCP behavior
        data = self._get_data(source)
        if data:
            if not self.option('keep_alive'):
                data = ''
                while True:
                    data = self._get_data(dest)
                    if data == '':

                if not self.option('reuse_socket'):
                    dest._closed = True
                return False
        return data != ''

Once the protocol class is ready, it can be registered via the Protocol class:

from vaurien.protocols import Protocol

Writing Behaviors

Creating new behaviors is very similar to creating protocols.


Using your protocols and behaviors